Brian’s Music and Videos!
Comfort Zone
Released August 8, 2023
Ok so here’s the final video of Comfort Zone. Huge thanks to my dear friend Tommy Osuna for the awesome music production and guitar and bass. Also huge thanks to Jerome James on drums and to Demitri Marmash for the fantastic job recording and mixing (along with Tommy). Love all you guys.
Introducing Naked Guy
Released December 18, 2020
The main character of Brian’s new and imaginative world where he has been exploring stop-motion animation. In this video Brian explains a bit of Naked Guy’s history and how this relates to The Devil’s Advocate. Be on the lookout for more of Naked Guy as his Seat of My Pants Animations will be at the center of Brian’s creative output from now on.
Devil’s Advocate (Single)
Released July 4, 2020
Devil’s Advocate is no doubt the most rockin’ song Brian has put out to date as it showcases even more the amazing musicianship and production by Tommy Osuna. Also featured in this video is the result of Brian’s recent foray into the world of stop-motion animation with which he introduces Naked Guy and a whole host of characters who populate this new and imaginative world.
I Want Love (Single)
Released April 27, 2019
I Want Love represents a totally new direction for Brian and his musical expression. A unique blend of psychedelic meditation and power rock, this song is the result of Brian’s connection with the amazingly talented producer/musician/recording engineer Tommy Osuna. This is just the first in a series of singles by Brian currently being produced by Tommy.
The Brian Show (Album)
Released September 2016
Over five years in the making, Brian’s debut album The Brian Show features some of Hawai‘i best local artists and musicians. Visit the album page for more information, artwork, song lyrics and credits, and downloadable bonus tracks!
Feed Me
while you were sleepingi had this stupid dreamit crawled into my headand shook the world with silent screamsmy brain was almost friedby what my heart refused to glean and then the floor diedthe cat next [...]
Time and Space
time and spaceyou givea sense of placeto livemy love the free foundationfor my soul’s intentlike the rooted treeand my mind’s cementor imagined wallswithin me they crumbleand fallbefore the floweryour loveyour callundeniablethis power it brings me [...]
Pol Fishing at the Hot Tub
he sat on the far sidelower legs danglingin the churningburning chlorinewe didn’t have many choices to be honestwe didn’t careto be clearwe had no intentionother than simply being therebut he was fishing at the hot [...]
like glassor some kind of portala dimensional shiftflipping realitieswith a clear line of dissonancebetween complimentary distortionsof a false binarystillhope finds a way in this momentanalysis is often a liabilitywith the next breaththe wind of whimor [...]
A Pox Populi
some simply seemnot to careodd as it is that beings so evolvedselected for to solvecould yet deny itnot even try itas if the blessing beas unaware as possible perhaps an abstract virushanded down by the [...]