There you stand
Unlike your cousin from last time
the one supposedly secured to the road
like a floppy fun toy

Then I was a bit more concerned
not for the likes of your kind
you were all made for such mayhem
such abuse, no
Just don’t scratch my van

You made quite a noise
and then there was the continuous
scraping sound
as I dragged you along the pavement

It took a while to find a safe place to stop
and for a moment
I wondered
Would I have to get out
and pry you free from under my wheel-well

But there you stand
Unlike your cousin from last time
he didn’t fair so well
He looked like he’d been hit many, many times

I’m sure you have too
but all I had to do
was reverse
and it’s like nothing ever happened
except you’re now about a quarter mile from where you started

You’re welcome


Photo by Gautam Krishnan on Unsplash