investigating the old
revisiting the new
at hand, the unsure
gives way
taking precedent, as always
my love speaks


It’s nothing new to state how things are changing all the time.
Yet… it is also quite undeniable (and is of course, a ubiquitous topic in nearly all media) that we are living in a time of dramatic change.
Somehow, I intend to reflect my experience of this here.

When last I tried something similar, I second-guessed myself into a kind of brooding passivity. It didn’t exactly serve my level of production, but did facilitate a helpful pause.
Time to reflect.
To recognize and prioritize how best to focus my energies.

One result of the above said repose, has been a very welcome increase in what I might call my intimacy awareness.
The gifts here abound and I find myself blessed beyond all previous imagination.


My Sweetheart will know more than anyone… always.

