This being the first post, of something I have committed to do on a daily basis, I (of course) find myself at odds with all manner of internal demons, demigods and other distractions to the task at hand.

My mind, awash with wonder as it floats around the synaptic flotsam and jetsam mired in memory’s maze-like marsh. Even as I write, I castigate myself for bothering to think I am worthy of doing so. Silly me. This thought then is quickly countered by the latest example of affirming praise flung my way. And, easily brought to mind as it is, is always welcome as a reminder of my even stronger commitment to stay out of my old behavioral comfort zone.

My old comfort zone…

I wrote a song about that and I’ll be posting the lyrics to it as the first of that soon-to-be-new category of blog posts. Song Lyrics.

But for now I think I’ll wrap up this, the first of many to come, with a message to any random reader who happens upon…


Here in this blog is where I’m choosing to dwell. The creative impulse in me (however manifest) will be shared here in all it gore and glory. Although I will not be providing space for readers to comment, know that (and if you know me at all you MUST know…) the goal of all my artistic expression is alway to facilitate connection. Thus please do connect if you feel moved to do so. You know where you can do that.

In these days of multiple methods of meeting, competing for the ever-valued audience attention, affirmation and pho-friendship, (I wrote a song about that too) there is more a dearth of authenticity than of accessibility in media. Thus I have been using those tools to further my above-stated goal. Thus…

My media is not social… it is simply… media

My social is not media… it is (and not always so simply)



