Monthly Archives: September 2019

9/15/19: Blessings from the Bush

From a place of service where all is mindful or at least well-intent I come With the time and patience to give what's required and aware of self-care you're here To a world in crisis for want and worry so in need, so in love We are ------ Blessed... m(___)m  

By |2019-09-15T06:42:56-05:00September 15th, 2019|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 9/15/19: Blessings from the Bush

9/12/19: Yesterday

I saw the end of the world yesterday she came to me in a dream As she approached, she was already speaking but it wasn't clear as to whom "Where are you going?" Her eyes were like the buttons of an old shirt mother of pearl like they used to make These days everything is [...]

By |2019-09-12T11:43:44-05:00September 12th, 2019|The Life of Brian (In the Now)|Comments Off on 9/12/19: Yesterday

9/11/19: More Real than Real

I strip away the trivial the trite the trifling tools of the times available at my convenience on demand at my whim I use them some for the first time some over and over and over again My aim is not actual truth is no target if by chance a fact be found Only my [...]

By |2019-09-12T06:45:21-05:00September 11th, 2019|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 9/11/19: More Real than Real

9/10/19: Sad and Angry Road

a story of woe written in bent mettle and shattered glass told from behind told as if blind raging, running, ranting a worn and withered wheel turning, ever turning so very fast your reflection comes at me all high-beams and screams whipping this way and that instinctively, I look for distance long for the law [...]

By |2019-09-10T06:24:56-05:00September 10th, 2019|The Life of Brian (In the Now)|Comments Off on 9/10/19: Sad and Angry Road

9/5/19: Morning Mitigations

Aware that the creative power of the universe is far superior to my imagination I am at peace I embrace my shadow I observe my light they both nourish and abjure informed my future takes me ever forward unknown entirely save for my love There is no form to redeem there is no content to [...]

By |2019-09-05T07:18:22-05:00September 5th, 2019|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 9/5/19: Morning Mitigations