Monthly Archives: November 2024

Remembering to Breathe

herein this momenti remember the comfortconstructed privilegefrom which i watchtime engender reason to seetheand then i breathe crispmorning airexpands my heart the joyouschild-like radiancewhere once my worlddid fall apart now rescues meand so i breathe and lifethis rocky trailwill follow as it willhowever i inhale beautyfor all to seeis here for me to fillthe fear [...]

By |2024-11-10T06:34:42-06:00November 10th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Thought Salad

when the mancons aroundeven the typosare with him and so my worldbecomesjust a little bit smaller but as the smileof which i am a partwarms my heartthe truth of this expandingbecomes far lessdemanding it is my privilegeto be herefacing yet anotherhot tub buyingthe last smartphonethat i shall ever need the theywill never knowfor neverwill i [...]

By |2024-11-10T06:33:12-06:00November 8th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

By the Wayside

the morning fogthat hangslike an albatrossby and byshall lift as age-old painsperniciouslike bad memoriesthese too will goadrift by the wayside here and nowmy lovethis world alonewas never meantfor thee discarded fearswe must fling freelyand leave them alleven those held dearlyare merely obliged to beanywhere but hereand even in spiritcan onlyappear to be as we shall [...]

By |2024-11-06T09:11:36-06:00November 6th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Welcome to all That’s Left

youall of youlooking to the rightyou did thisand that’s on you however it endsand it just mightyou made your choiceyou had your chanceto add your voiceand now there’s nothingnothing but leftfor usto do so welcometo all that’s leftshit’s all been said and doneand we all stillhave no ideano ideaat all who won and we may [...]

By |2024-11-06T02:23:29-06:00November 6th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Bend the Knee

livingamong the liarsspewing garbageas faras you can see wadingthrough fraud and libeland gangs of grifterswho knowit’s their time to be where oh wherewhere are the foolsstill citing ethicsethics and rules why oh whywhy should we carewhat part of kindnessis there left to share how oh howhow could it bethat this all ends upwith us bending [...]

By |2024-11-05T16:40:21-06:00November 5th, 2024|Song Lyrics|0 Comments

The Prophet Profits

that rogue salesmanhas always been hard to handlehis pitch is getting tiredand old and nobodyseems to likethe church’s shiny and newbut emptycorporatesuit hence the prophetprofits his strategymay seem extreme to usbut the theyare right with him bookended by fake humilityand a sadthinly veiledand oh so very angrycynicism the prophet quite expertly plays his partone day [...]

By |2024-11-04T22:35:41-06:00November 4th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Be Afraid

yes be afraidnow seems to methe meme to bedon’t you see since be the changehas rearrangedhas now indeedbecome afraid and now i ambut just a bitbecause i’ve gotsuch privileged shit mostlyi’m afraid for youmy sistermy brother mostlymy fear is madestupid storiesabout the other i like to thinkoh yes i dosometimes too muchand thus this muse [...]

By |2024-11-04T11:43:51-06:00November 4th, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Inside the Sandwich

every time we vacillatebetween meat and cheeseneither or bothtomatoavocadolettuce or nomustard of coursethe usual choice of spread here hereinside the sandwich bread is always more important than most might assumebut tartinewhat does it meanhow is this even a thingto be inside the sandwichis its own thing as a familysomehowthis is a timefor thinking about itthe [...]

By |2024-11-03T09:27:12-06:00November 3rd, 2024|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Sanity’s Spectrum

sittingamong the monstersspewing their garbageour darkest fearsto manipulate quittingdancing with dissonanceour quest for fairnessonly to normalizecruelty and hate wherewhere are the foolsstill singingabout ethicsand rules whyhow could we carewhat part of kindnessis left for usto share runningso far from our messesthat whatever progresswill neversurvive stunninghow otherwise saneor cunningconfronting of reasonmight actually thrive thenas now will [...]

By |2024-12-12T12:55:23-06:00November 1st, 2024|Random Awesomeness, Song Lyrics|0 Comments