Monthly Archives: February 2025

Dying Boomers

the greatest oneswho came beforebirthed this objectwith no substance explodinginto minds at warit fought our fearsand shamed reluctance spontaneous generationideas so absurdrevolutionizing modernizationpoliticizing every word and nowthe thing must dieso let’s find a better road if to reasonis to answer whylet’s tryas we reap what they have sowed talktomedonttalktome Peace/Love m(~_~)m

By |2025-02-27T09:29:54-06:00February 27th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Gratuitous Detachment

clutching the warmth of securitya desperate respitefrom pernicious existential dreadthe exhale is comprehensive odd nonsequitous visionsgive the mind pausecuriouswhere lay the edge of sanity is this who we aredoes the species failsimply because failurehas been redefined as inevitability but now as the breathbecomes totalityand every pore of this old dry skinfinds its function movement alone [...]

By |2025-02-25T06:41:39-06:00February 25th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Why are You Surprised

this vibethis particular flavorof bombastand brazen barbarism this is not newalbeit at levelsnever seen beforeor even thought possible but this timethere’s also a distinct texturecoarse with deep-set teethlike a big ol’ wood rasp it cuts quicklygrinding flesh and bonetorture to the mindand flaying all sensibilities so now you act surprisedas if you couldn’t have seen [...]

By |2025-02-23T10:07:30-06:00February 23rd, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

This Body

this body goes awaybeleaguered by beastsand ransacked into submissionwhile waiting patientlyfor that one momentas the mind decides but then the spirit diesso this body’s half-eaten brainremembers only those fleeting thoughtsinsisting on existingwhen pertinent to the painbut with absolutely nothing to gain whether it be the slow rottoxic filth or blunt traumanothing more will fill the [...]

By |2025-02-19T21:44:28-06:00February 19th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Musk Stew

the important thing hereis the spicethe meat’s a bit toughbut like anything else of this naturewe can make it doif we cook it long enough no it’s the spice we need to focus onsince this kind of stock is alwaysso very blandthat almost anything with flavorwill helpwhatever is on hand as for the restit’s all [...]

By |2025-02-12T12:24:28-06:00February 12th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Sometimes and Again

sometimes and againthe truth is but a dreamor a liethat never stood a chance or the whispering of flowersthat taught us how to feelwhen feelingsremove our right to dance when existence is meaninglessand the gods have had their waywhen sufferingbecomes our only friend remember the childrenwho live and die in fearand that love survivessometimesand again [...]

By |2025-02-12T02:59:44-06:00February 11th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

The Shadow World Behind My Eyes

a flat uneven grey surfacefills my perceptionas it rolls and rotateslike the digital backgroundof an 80’s tv sci-fi geometric patternsin constant motionappear at random intervalsthey wiggle and throb and stretchi try to catch i tryand slightly openso it all goes awaybut no this is not a function of darknessthis is nowhere in-betweenif i’d had a [...]

By |2025-02-10T09:24:11-06:00February 8th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

The End of Suffering

it felt like deathcold and clammyinertyet somehow in motion a quivering massit stankwith that special kind of odorthat attracts and repels dripping with ironyand conveying only confusionto look upon it for any length of timewould be a waste and to tastecould only satisfypenchantsof the most peculiar but listen nowwithin the morning breezeits telltale rattle and [...]

By |2025-02-06T09:56:37-06:00February 6th, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments

Everyday Chocolate

it’s in the joythese blessingsa smilethe morning back rubloving eyesover a steaming cup we supand savorevery soundand flavorcaressing the morning like the soft furof a passing kitty gone the toilthe forgotten painand distant turmoila singular awareness of privilegeremains driving our intentionto liveand love this dayif only Peace/Love m(~_~)m

By |2025-02-02T11:02:11-06:00February 2nd, 2025|Random Awesomeness|0 Comments