As an artist, I am moved to express what I feel inside.
As a human being, I am asked to honor my connection to others.
As a member of a society, I am told to be aware of difference.
As an individual among many…
I am.
I am contemplating all that has happened recently. Things I will not share publicly at this time (some I may never be able to) and yet, this moves me to expression.
I am torn.
At the moment, my expression has no form that will make sense anyway. I can share only this ambiguousness here in this blog, or anywhere online so I am not torn about that. I am not torn about sharing anything of these things publicly right now.
At the moment, even in my most personal of spaces, I can share only the texture of what I’m now feeling. I can share some data there though… so I do.
It’s hard to share much, in the semi-personal space of a phone call, or even a FaceTime/Skype kind of space… so I don’t
I am torn about how to proceed. Shall I develop forms to go with the textures I’m feeling? Shall I use this ambiguousness to drive an expression of THAT!
Is this that expression?
I am confused.
This will continue…