waves of uncertainty
flow through me
like an indecipherable tome
as random thoughts
ease into existence
it’s here i sit alone

reflexively i stirr
the slightest little groan
disturbed from slumber
just a moment
as silence makes its home
then on through the din
that speaks truth therein
and still i am alone

the razor’s edge slices clean
but not so precise
as to bifurcate or glean
the prescient from the prone
thus nothing i say or do
seems to matter
so long as chaos
consumes my bones

with nothingness before me
and less to set in stone
i reach out for one on which to hold
into the void unknown
it burns while slipping stealthily
to my deep despair
beyond all comprehension there
aware and all alone

standing now
upon the precipice
it’s here the abyss is shown
i take that step
with faith as such
that death must then atone
for then again and always
again i am alone

