Sporadically Brian
We Make the Rules
play the gamerun the racebut don’t forgetto save my placethen choose a teamhave a planwe’ll never winwho’s better than the more you givethe best will takemost of the timethe rest we fakeit never endsno one [...]
The First Shit Show
crawling from beneaththose aforementionednefarious foundationsof this nascenttv nation came the shit show the first of manynetworked itselfinto beingby glomming onto culture like a virusit just kept replicatinguntil nothing recognizablewas left the people were enthrallednothing like [...]
TV Nation Begins
long agothe seeds were sowntogetherlike so many body partstheir animationyet to become andlike the monstersof days gone byits driving energycame first in dreams soon storieslike the barney and betty incidentwere ancient historyas solid a fact [...]
purposefully disallignedconflict orientedperspective non-violently ideologicaluncompromising resolveto progress to congress whywhy not dreams and hopeat the end of a ropeor a gun which end is which looked for joysat with selfgave away the surplus so much [...]
Look for Joy
Look for Joy in the coldgrey shadowsof reality the wind bitesas if the air itselfwere billions and billionsof microscopicpiranha give shelterfriendallow communityto bolsterand shield never yield for the time will comeand with itagainthe warmthof joyful [...]
Why the People
abandonedin dangerous watersthat seethe and roilwith the blood of compatriotswe tread but lightly and in silenceas the sharks do take what they willespeciallyfrom our conspicuous few whyare we not the powerwe professand prefer to be [...]