
Sporadically Brian

By the Wayside

the morning fogthat hangslike an albatrossby and byshall lift as age-old painsperniciouslike bad memoriesthese too will goadrift by the wayside here and nowmy lovethis world alonewas never meantfor thee discarded fearswe must fling freelyand leave [...]

November 6th, 2024|Categories: Random Awesomeness|

Bend the Knee

livingamong the liarsspewing garbageas faras you can see wadingthrough fraud and libeland gangs of grifterswho knowit’s their time to be where oh wherewhere are the foolsstill citing ethicsethics and rules why oh whywhy should we [...]

November 5th, 2024|Categories: Song Lyrics|

The Prophet Profits

that rogue salesmanhas always been hard to handlehis pitch is getting tiredand old and nobodyseems to likethe church’s shiny and newbut emptycorporatesuit hence the prophetprofits his strategymay seem extreme to usbut the theyare right with [...]

November 4th, 2024|Categories: Random Awesomeness|

Be Afraid

yes be afraidnow seems to methe meme to bedon’t you see since be the changehas rearrangedhas now indeedbecome afraid and now i ambut just a bitbecause i’ve gotsuch privileged shit mostlyi’m afraid for youmy sistermy [...]

November 4th, 2024|Categories: Random Awesomeness|

Inside the Sandwich

every time we vacillatebetween meat and cheeseneither or bothtomatoavocadolettuce or nomustard of coursethe usual choice of spread here hereinside the sandwich bread is always more important than most might assumebut tartinewhat does it meanhow is [...]

November 3rd, 2024|Categories: Random Awesomeness|