i dreamed my was bicycle stolen

i haven’t had a bike for many years now but the stolen one in my dream was that same big red schwinn i’d ridden as a teenager along side the long and hilly (but straight) road from our place just south of kings park into rochester

mom and i were just talking about that ride

i loved that bike and it fit my large body perfectly so when I went off gallivanting round the globe it waited for me in my parents garage and i rode it to the glass shop in collage from hudson to river falls and later had it shipped to me in hawaii so i could ride it to work

or at least that’s what my brain is telling me
i’m not sure now whether those were all the same bike or if at some point i’d found duplicates of that first big red one of my youth

that’s my brain for you

either way after hitting a pothole going very fast down to work from my place in kalihi uka, flipping over the handlebars and breaking a few ribs there was no more big red 27-inch schwinn for me and i bought a giant

that’s the way it is sometimes
one moment you’re on top of the world riding free with the wind in your hair and the next you’re flat on your back experiencing morphine for the first time

ah morphine…

that big red schwinn in my dream was like that too
one moment i was standing in some weird dream building after a nice ride and talking to some weird dream person, i’d turned my back for just a few seconds and in that moment my big red schwinn was gone

i spent the rest of my dream looking for that bike
i searched and searched all over the weird dream building and found many big red schwinns but of course none of them were MY big red schwinn

mine was gone and i was just going to have to let it go

next time i think i’ll get a fuji
