but quickly
and with the greatest resolve
we pivot
and shift our countenance
our focus
and desire for at least some amelioration
some pause in what has sadly become
a seemingly endless torrent
this deluge of rage-filled ranting
identity-defining creative extrusion
and honest yet inadequate attempts
at avoiding the obvious
for mercy’s sake
mitigated only
by the most modicum
of mindfulness
and now we lean genuinely
but oh so gently
into love
this act of self-care
also projects that love
in all directions
designed to permeate
and saturate the souls
of all who might be open
it may very well be
exactly enough
to calm the beast
and quiet that clear voice
demanding justice
for sanity
that reason
and the irrational hope
for that justice to be served
we do this to breathe
and bathe
and bring our best to table
we knew this going in
that this and only this
can ultimately digest and enable
more joy
more love
and the kind of peace
that may just find the truly just
for now
and now
some sugar cookies

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