shady used car dealers
and multi-level con-men
an unholy league
right over there

the us
the we
our majority
have finally articulated this
perhaps even begun to hear it
oh dear lord please
let it be

thus been sussed
the they
now scramble and scrape
and desperately obfuscate
attacking blindly
from the dark corners
they must create

these are sad caricatures
when alone
yet dangerously toxic
finding all-too-many commons
to own
time-worn blueprints
the final construct
a hyper-dualist nightmare
with killer drones

awake now sisters and brothers
bear witness the they alliance
of capital and crime
take swift our clear action
there will be no second chances
no refund
no return
or next time

and do please
curb that dumb surprise
how could we
have ever expected otherwise

