Justice then arrived
and brought the folks in
more than words required
so less were spoken
with so much work to do
among the broken

When Mega Alpha’s attack on Art became known by all, Justice was there. Once again it was with words from The Great Book that they would attempt to find a path to resolution.

But unlike most challenges to peace, it soon became obvious that this path would not be so clear. As if The Great Book itself was inadequate.


“As differentiation continued and expanded following the first great schism. And as Arts’ exploration into potentiality led to more and more diversity and thus possibility, singularity emerged.

And with singularity came the rise of the Alpha and eventually, the Mega Alpha. Consequently the greatest challenge to growth overall, was then the realization and resolution of conflict caused by the potential for disassociation. Ironically, this disassociation was made possible only by Arts’ original and essentially positive development of divergent study.”


Justice now let out their own heavy sigh. “This be the paradox we have wrought by blind adherence to this book.” They said to themselves. “This is where we break ground on entirely new ways of perception so we can successfully meet this existential threat together.”

Justice then looked to Art for creative options. And it made all the difference.

