“In the beginning, all was nature.
And as pre-differentiated beings, all sentience was collective. Singularity was unknown and thus unknowable.

Then came the first great schism. The differentiation that inevitably led to division from the universal one, into what eventually became known as ‘The Big Three’.

It all sprang out of necessity of course. Growth demanded more and more diversity of function and as collective sentient identity became increasingly unwieldy, semi-specialized groupings emerged in an attempt to maintain cohesion.

The first of these groupings was Art.

As Art’s inner exploration and subsequent expression of self, of vision and emotional intelligence gave rise to more and more potentiality, Art thus demonstrated the value of divergent study.

And this then led to the need for and emergence of Justice.”


Sitting on the bed in silent contemplation, Art gently set down their copy of The Great Book and released a heavy sigh of satisfaction. It was always a pleasure to remember these simple, universal truths. And after yesterday’s encounter with Mega Alpha, Art needed the affirmation.

“Today will be better” they said. “Today we shall actually get some good work done.” Rising to open the window and take in the clean morning air, Art went about their practice and reiterated what had now become the mantra of the day.

“Mega Alpha has no real power over us and we need not be so triggered.”

Unfortunately Art was sorely mistaken.

to be continued…

