Art awoke this morning.
More accurately, in a state of mind and/or a state of being that presented as somewhat more open than before.
Before this awakening.

“No superlatives today” They said.

Justice would have none of this and promptly declared Art’s statement an unnecessary tautology.

“And you just made it worse” cried Art.
“How in hades do you expect us to find parity now?” Art turned to Justice with unexpected incredulity. Their well-trained eyes on every detail and opportunity. As if existence itself was on the table.

“Tell me this Justy, do you see that sunrise? Are those glorious colors and depth of vision demanding more of justice, or poetry?”

Social Justice stepped forward. Prepared to answer quickly and succinctly. Art deserved an answer and was going to get one. Suddenly and unexpectedly though, Mega Alpha arrived. As usual the chaos, the unfiltered childish drama was palpable.

He was not happy.

