there is this thing
it exists
but it also has a metaphorical existence of a kind

it is a good thing
in an aristotelian sort of way

this thing is arguably quite universal
just about anywhere you go
people know what it is

usually it’s not hard to find one of these things but sometimes obtaining a functional one when you really need it can be quite frustrating because it is possible that most of the ones randomly left around are not

not functional

it used to be that nearly everyone always had one of their own
on their person
or certainly nearby

and since in those days there were many people whose livelihood required having one of these things there was an entire industry in creating them and a culture about their importance and use

in those days not so long ago there was even a certain significance to the use of these things both practical and symbolic that reached all levels of society

to some extent this is still true

i have several of these things next to me right now and i can’t remember that last time i reached over to pick one up

i even have one with a slight symbolic significance as well but i’ve never used it again after the initial one time use in the formal setting i received it

there are also a whole bunch of various versions of this thing all over the house and who knows how many of them still function

and of course the production and disposal of very cheap versions of this thing is just another element in the most dire current global issue posing an existential threat to us all

and by itself it’s such a little thing

go figure

