“…the truth is
nobody cares about the truth
nobody cares
outrage is far more profitable
it’s an end in itself
and lies often generate an entire news cycle
like ebola at burning man
and fake karens everywhere.
this is the way it is because it’s cool
and disturbing at the same time …”

the attention economy
is a different kind of grift
but how can you even call it that
when engagement alone
is enough
and no one can be held responsible
for what is simply the profitable product
of an algorithm

“being concerned with accuracy and honesty is now considered
overly virtuous”

i heard her say that

oh… and of course
misogyny rules
and is the rule
the more confident she gets
the more harassment
she just has to get used to it

she said that too

“not a fine example of the state of society
but this is the culture now”

this is the culture now

now your sad and mentally unstable neighbor
makes you a fortune in youtube views
rather than an opportunity to be a helpful member of your community


now blood sport trickles down online
4 chan is the mainstream
and social justification for cruelty
is unnecessary
and boring

now everyone can be alex jones and abuse the human race
recreational doxing is a thing
but then again…

“i remember where i was when i saw that steve harwell tweet about dj khaled.
it was awesome!”

harness that power dude
we may survive this decade yet

