it is known
since the beginning of raw power
over populations

that empires cycle
or… more accurately
they spiral

expanding and contracting
as they rise and fall
build and destroy

the lives of millions
by the random whims
of a few

it is known

always unsustainable
every time

yet every time
now and then
comes along
those one or two

who play well
the empire game
without conscience
or shame

to beat the odds
that they are the ones
born so very high

and thus believe
they have what it takes
to ride the deathly thing
just long enough to grab it all
and not die

but as the spiral tightens
the exponential acceleration
throws them off
without exception

and no one
can win
it is known

yet somehow
we forget
what this
our history
has also shown

that souls
were meant to shine
and rise into the infinite
or not at all

if we do fall
and look again
upon universal rights
as something only extra special
and new

when the looting starts
and all we’ve ever loved
begins to fall apart
we never seem to remember
what to do

