This morning I awoke with an idea.

It was a feeling that led me to an idea.
An idea for a song or a poem.
Perhaps a story.
I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter at this point in the process.

The feeling was one of sad, frustration and self doubt.
Combined with deep gratitude and joyful love.
Yes, that seems oxymoronic I know but it brought me to a good place.
A place where I felt able to recognize, realize and simply BE with it all.

All that led me here.
To be here with my sweetheart.
So happy.

That’s the feeling.


The idea has to do with culture.
I wanted to express the above-mentioned feeling in the context of culture.
And from the start, I wanted both definitions of culture to be included in whatever expression I came up with.

So I started Googling.

First, I was thinking this might be a song so I searched with various configurations with the words love and culture in them.
At first I thought my title would be The Culture of Love and I was happy to see that there appeared to be no existing songs with that title.
There were a few books however, and that was interesting to look at.

And then I saw something I found even more interesting.
A website for selling young women’s clothing that had been closed due to very poor service and very bad reviews.

I liked the title of the website, Love Culture and so I did another search.
And I found the above image that PERFECTLY matches my idea.

Now I see there is a song with this title so I’m going to listen to it now.
Ok, I’m not going to worry about this.
If I do end up with a song titled Love Culture, it won’t sound anything like this.


Who knows where this will lead me.
Perhaps it ends here.
But I doubt that.
One thing I can say for sure…

I love this life.
I love culture.
I love love.

And I love my sweetheart.


