I have no intention 
to end this journey
It’s out of my hands
should I stay, should I go

—— yours truly, from my recent release I Want Love


Albeit sings
in my cup’s superabundance
The work continues now
in a much different vein


I can’t allow a theory
to be stated as a fact
I’ll challenge anyone who tries
and make them take it back

—— from my soon-to-be-released song Devil’s Advocate


Finding less and less
reasons to be silent
or quietly commenting
from safe sidelines

I see more and more
discordant examples
of progress and pain
I contemplate an alternative
as yet unexplored (by me)
creative path

My Brother needs me
My Sweetheart loves me
My Mother cries for justice
My Father died years ago
an honorable man
deserving a comparable legacy

Holding all close
to the heart
I proceed
no longer hesitant
into that illusive


