Announcements, rants, affirmations and all else that doesn’t quite fit into the other categories are posted here. From poetry that probably won’t be made into a song, to in-the-moment expressions of thoughts and feelings that probably won’t make it into a story. I will share here, whatever comes to mind and heart. Occasionally, I also may take creative writing pieces from my past, revise and revive them to post here.
Sad Beauty
the laughterthat never really wasstepped up boldlyto the old and crumbling daisand failed and with the greatestpanache and aplombfilled to the brimwith selfwith all manner of unwarranted aggrandizementand lies the laughter failed againyouthwas having none of this nostalgic memoriesof that thingthat thing of such pastand nearly universal powerstill referred to as it washad died long [...]