Random Awesomeness

Announcements, rants, affirmations and all else that doesn’t quite fit into the other categories are posted here. From poetry that probably won’t be made into a song, to in-the-moment expressions of thoughts and feelings that probably won’t make it into a story. I will share here, whatever comes to mind and heart. Occasionally, I also may take creative writing pieces from my past, revise and revive them to post here.

10/26/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #3)

Inhale, two, three, four, five, six... Exhale, two, three, four, five, six... Inhale, two, three, four, five, six... Exhale, two, three, four, five, six... I find counting as I breath to be quite effective. Counting them helps keep the breaths slow and thus the mind can more easily focus on this essential activity, rather than [...]

By |2018-02-18T21:34:23-06:00October 26th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/26/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #3)

10/25/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #2)

Some of the most fascinating images I have ever experienced, come to me when I first open my eyes following the meditative section of my practice. A bird flits by just a few feet from my face and lands in a nearby tree branch. Calling directly at me, the bird cocks its head as amazing [...]

By |2018-02-18T15:04:07-06:00October 25th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/25/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #2)

10/24/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #1)

I'm beginning to become aware of different subtle patterns and occurrences. Developing spontaneously... or so it seems. They fit into larger, more complete images, feelings... ideas. Each becoming a kind of theme on which I can attach the more tangible aspects of what happens during my morning  practice. Sometimes, its a sense of nearly imperceptible [...]

By |2018-02-03T23:18:59-06:00October 24th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/24/17: The Morning Practice (Meditation #1)

10/23/27: The Wind Blew

The wind blew fine, powdery snow into swirling eddies of white. It flowed through the streets, around cars and houses, depositing it's absence of colour everywhere. Erasing all form. Imposing it's chaos upon the surfaces of order. The wind blew it's angry voices into a howling choir of screams. It filled the air with a [...]

By |2018-02-24T01:47:55-06:00October 23rd, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/23/27: The Wind Blew

10/12/17: Too Damn Happy!!!

Yup, I got nothing more today... Too Damn Happy!!! All I got to say. There's a song with that title by one of my favorite songwriters but I don't remember any of the lyrics just now. Just the title. All I need. And the happiest thing is this fun realization of what this fun realization [...]

By |2018-02-03T23:19:46-06:00October 12th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/12/17: Too Damn Happy!!!

10/11/17: Reality Check!

Everything clicks. I feel the excitement as the audience begins to sense it too. The moment is transported to that never never land of sound and rhythm. All that led me here, forgotten. The hours of contemplation, of practice, of trial an error. As if I was made to do this from the day I was [...]

By |2018-02-24T01:45:53-06:00October 11th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/11/17: Reality Check!

10/10/17: After the Festival

The following is a piece I did for the the writer's group in the Utne Reader online community. (As I mentioned in yesterday's post) We were doing Exercise #2 of Ursula K. Le Guin’s book Steering the Craft. ------------------ After the Festival, After the festival, the station is teeming with people in traditional and not so [...]

By |2018-02-03T17:10:22-06:00October 10th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/10/17: After the Festival

10/9/17: Tools (old and new)

I just had a nice conversation with my young housemates (they are 20 something and 30 something) and one of them asked me about how it felt to have been their age at a time when there was no social media (or something like that). Well, obviously there will have to be an entire story [...]

By |2018-03-03T19:09:33-06:00October 9th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/9/17: Tools (old and new)

10/8/17: Welcome to The Daily Brian!

This being the first post, of something I have committed to do on a daily basis, I (of course) find myself at odds with all manner of internal demons, demigods and other distractions to the task at hand. My mind, awash with wonder as it floats around the synaptic flotsam and jetsam mired in memory's [...]

By |2018-02-03T23:20:20-06:00October 8th, 2017|Random Awesomeness|Comments Off on 10/8/17: Welcome to The Daily Brian!