this family of man
who shat upon the mother
killed all the sons and brothers
and ran

abandoning the rest
to the toil
sowing sweat and blood
for power
soaked in oil

this master of modernity
this meme
his majesty of the false
and filthy schemes
grubbing and grifting
slaving and shifting
the blame

this man of little mind
and lesser shame

no kind words
can be spoken
forever broken

upon the wheel
of petulance and crime
raping reason
feigned friendship
and fucked-up time

and all that time
and time again
for some sad
sad old story

a stupid dream
of gore and glory
it never really ends
but then of men
none to worry

this particular peculiar
of putrid-powered pain
will soon be history
a kind of peace
this mystery
this end to life

and love is nearly nye
for this family of man
has come to die

