letting go
the brian show
in the fourth moment
co-emergence on the razor’s edge
to look between the frames
the abstract watcher
turning off the auto-pilot
shift… see what happens
the four noble truths
1. the pervasiveness of suffering
i didn’t get what i want
i got what i didn’t want
the pain of alternation (i got what i want then what i didn’t want etc… )
the underlying discomfort (like a ground hum in the recording studio)
2. find the cause
3. there is a way
slow down
be curious, kind and gentle
precision is important
why add aggression to the process
4. here it is
reexamine materialism
stop running from my own tail
the never ending trail of empty boxes
suffering has a cause
compassion is the antidote
it has no cause
simply part of the underlying fabric of reality
My Sweetheart always knows