7:05 am
I awake in a muddle.
A mild mental puddle.
A moment melding freely.
With the jungle and all I see.
The dog brings me back from my fuddle.

7:20 am
I return to my desk after feeding Roxy.
I’d been in the above-mentioned mental state.
Barely-awake and somehow thinking I was going to capture much of it here before having to go to the toilet in which case I had to walk passed where she lay soaking the early morning sun and thus I catch her attention making me fair game to follow back to my door and insist I feed her breakfast.


7:36 am
I recall yesterday.
Somehow the muddling in my mind was all there.
But all of which I care.
Comes back to the feeling of sweet…

8:58 am
My sweetheart called just as I was about to recount my feelings around our sweet connection in last night’s phone call.
All expressed.
Expressed at the source so…
No longer needed here.
Yesterday was yesterday and today is today and now is the time to get on with it.

—— Blessed…
