In the moment

I didn’t even realize that Jitterbug…
was also a brand of cell-phone

The Brian Show would have been a dancing fool at Anna’s last night
if it hadn’t been for the other part of this post’s title


At Anna’s last night

Old friends of the Hawaii-based variety
The only kind of friends physically available now


On stage, sitting next to me, dancing up a storm, across the room
Old friends I haven’t seen in…

I can’t remember

My drooping, drifting head straightens slightly
I feel the gentle massage of an old friend who’d noticed

I remember that

I remember that and the relief to know that I have my car keys, my luggage, my memories…
My ability to once again post my stories here

Here and now

Now that my jet-lagged jitterbug has me up at four in the morning.
Now nearly five

Is it morning?