FB: Photo of the infant grandson of an acquaintance I don’t know well but who usually posts photos of art that I enjoy and who very often “likes” and comments on my blog posts.

Instagram: Photo by a housemate doing something interesting

FB: Ad video for a knee-brace I’ve been seeing a lot of on my feed lately

Instagram: Selfie by a musician friend traveling on the mainland and about to play a show

FB: Photo from the archives of a professional photographer acquaintance

Instagram: Poster ad for the band of a long-time acquaintance who will be performing this Thursday at a major local music venue

FB: Very long life-events update post (with photo) by a long-time acquaintance and fellow musician who only posts once a year with very long life-events update posts

Instagram: Repost of a painting by an artist good friend who moved away from Hawaii several years ago but with whom I spent an afternoon just last year

FB: Link to an interesting information article by a good friend I haven’t seen in several years

Instagram: Nature action photo of the son (who I’ve never met) of an acquaintance I haven’t seen in several years

FB: Cute family video by an artist friend from college who I last saw during my visit home several years before the one last year

Instagram: Ad poster for the mediocre cover-band of a bar-owner I know from having player there (and have seen many friends play there) but not in many years

FB: Ticketmaster ad for up-coming showing of The Phantom of the Opera here in Hawaii

Instagram: Mildly clever random post by a musician I met at the Glastonbury Festival two years ago

FB: Heartfelt post by a musician acquaintance asking for prayers for a spouse with medical issues

Instagram: Life-affirming meme by the spouse of a dear friend both of whom I haven’t seen in many years


This is yet another test.
This is still only a test.
Do continue to not panic!
Do continue to not switch to any other blog or website of any kind and by all means avoid all social media outlets unless absolutely necessary.
If this had been an actual blog post you would have been (once again) wowed and amazed by the cleverness and artistic prowess of the author.
Please continue to stay tuned.
Please continue to monitor this website for up-coming creative expressions and releases of products for your enjoyment and perhaps even enlightenment.
Remember… you are a beautiful and valuable being in this universe and you are loved.


