Where the Naked Things Are

All Nakedness themed posts appear in other categories but are also collected here. This way, I can access them easily for when I get ready to put together The Naked Book.

1/31/19: Pre-Naked Presumption (Part two)

“Ok, so I think next I’ll try and summarize aspects of the development of human civilizations that are pertinent to this discussion.” ------ "Civilization, eh? Hey I got something to say about that." "Oh really?" "Yea really. See... it's all about power, isn't it? Oops, strike that! It's about the perception of power. (Of course [...]

By |2019-01-31T11:39:45-06:00January 31st, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/31/19: Pre-Naked Presumption (Part two)

1/30/19: Pre-Naked Presumption (Part one)

We now continue from Monday's post... ------ "I'll try my best to be succinct but there's a lot of ground to cover if you want a comprehensive accounting of my vision regarding human potential. And I'm going to need to start with a synopsis about how far we've come, so please bear with me here." (heh... bare with [...]

By |2019-01-30T11:50:11-06:00January 30th, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/30/19: Pre-Naked Presumption (Part one)

1/28/19: Reasonably Naked

"So did you hear what he said?" "Yea, what a neanderthal. Can you believe there are people who still think like that?" "I know, I know. It's like evolution just stopped or something." "He probably doesn't even believe in evolution." "Yea... hey man, you look like a smart guy, what do YOU think?" "Me? I [...]

By |2019-01-28T11:48:06-06:00January 28th, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/28/19: Reasonably Naked

1/26/19: Nothing Naked Here

"Hey man, you ever seen those YouTube videos about the Earth being... you know, flat?" "You're joking, right?" "No, I'm not. I saw a few the other day and they made some really convincing points and... " " Oh REALLY! Exactly which points did they make, that were so convincing?" "I dunno, they just made [...]

By |2019-01-26T14:38:31-06:00January 26th, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/26/19: Nothing Naked Here

1/16/19: Good ‘n Naked

"Damn it!!" Bent over the passenger seat of my car in a most awkward and undignified position, the irony of this, when compared to where I was (in my minds' eye) just minutes ago... Boggles... It boggles the mind indeed. "Damn it all!!" The blasted boggling of my beleaguered mind then redoubles as the plastic [...]

By |2019-01-17T09:58:58-06:00January 16th, 2019|The Life of Brian (In the Now), Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/16/19: Good ‘n Naked

1/9/19: Lucidly Naked Dreaming

"Excuse me sir but... I just need to confirm your name?" The elderly gentleman (he has to be well into his nineties) stops short but says nothing. Clearly he heard me say something but probably didn't quite understand. Either his hearing difficulties or his limited English coupled with my muddled tone (or both) could be [...]

By |2019-01-09T10:44:54-06:00January 9th, 2019|The Life of Brian (In the Now), Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/9/19: Lucidly Naked Dreaming

1/7/19: Being Naked

Her love shines through me. Upon all I do. All I experience. I love seeing the world through these new eyes. I love seeing her world and mine, combine. That which I think. That which might have otherwise triggered an ego-driven response. Pales in comparison. The challenge now is to find a new space. A [...]

By |2019-01-07T10:59:14-06:00January 7th, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/7/19: Being Naked

1/6/19: The Naked Night

Inhale, two three four five six... Exhale, two three four five six... ------ I feel her with me always. Shining in the morning jungle green. Strolling through the sunny surf and sand. Snuggling as we softly speak through distant pillows. In the naked night. ------ We share everything. Mutually inspired accomplishments. Healthy practice, creative growth, [...]

By |2019-01-06T11:09:16-06:00January 6th, 2019|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 1/6/19: The Naked Night