looking longingly
upon the perfection
of his permanent
preeminent empire
the king
turned inwardly now
and wept

he had no reason
by all accounts
he had achieved so much
in this his last
and most significant
conquest of solidification

his campaign to control all
had been so successful
there was nothing left
and no opposition
to his power
had survived

the grand
and far-reaching lands
under his sole authority
now rested
in the peaceful placidity
of total domination

“and why shouldn’t it be so?”
he said to no one
“do i not deserve this peace?”
he looked out again
the faces of his subjugation
the frozen smiles
exactly where they should be

briefly satisfied
his mind began again
the depths of darkness
unrecognizable contentment
left him wanting

his loyal scribe
there to capture this
and all regal moments
achieving only attention
the king calmly drew his blade

“what now?”
cried his insatiable loneliness
“must i kill them all?”

