It was a fine party.
Everyone was there.
That cynical guy who we thought might not come
who had said he didn’t care.

He was there.

In fact, he seemed to really be enjoying himself
Debating that radical guy, you know… ?
the one with all that hair?

Yea, he was there too.

But that was no surprise.
Everybody knew.

He had actually planned the whole thing.
He and that reasonable dude.

Now that dude sure was having fun.
Quite reasonably in the best of moods.
Mostly because, he was the one
that naked girl was talking to.

I scanned the room.
Taking it all in.
Listening as best I could.

I planned my move.
Making my best grin.
Wondering if…
and how I should.

Should I?
Could I?

Jumping for joy, oh yes…
Oh yes,
I could.

And yes.
Oh yes…
And oh yes…

I did.


Blessed… m(___)m