IS: an image gallery
NOT: a journal, a window or a communication tool

IS: a communication tool
NOT: a forum, a door or an art space

This Blog…
IS: an art space, a door (into a potential forum), a communication tool, a window (into the origins of my image gallery) and a journal
NOT: limited by convention, consensus or compromise

I use them all everyday
I use them all in my own way
I look at my phone and it’s ok
to check on loved ones far far away
or just to play

I don’t play online games
I don’t expect loved ones to behave the same
I don’t allow any of this to cut me off from people and the world around me
I don’t think my way of doing this is the “correct” way to be
I don’t live here

My social is not media
My media is not social

and now… back to the program (^_^)


