Where the Naked Things Are

All Nakedness themed posts appear in other categories but are also collected here. This way, I can access them easily for when I get ready to put together The Naked Book.

12/31/18: Naked Privilege

There is simply no sensible way of comparing the worth of human lives. ------ Kwame Anthony Appiah ----------------------------------------------------------- Conflicted My voice Falters Exposed To others I turn To listen To learn ------ Google brings me first to the voices of two students. A young white man and a young woman of color. Both were probably about [...]

By |2018-12-31T11:36:07-06:00December 31st, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/31/18: Naked Privilege

12/25/28: The Naked Chronicles (Episode One)

“You could see her thoughts swimming around in her eyes, like fish - some bright, some dark, some fast, quick, some slow and easy, and sometimes, like when she looked up where Earth was, being nothing but colour and nothing else.” ------ Ray Bradbury ------------------------------------------- "Sweet dreams my love." I send this one last text [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:22:30-06:00December 25th, 2018|The Life of Brian (In the Now), Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/25/28: The Naked Chronicles (Episode One)

12/17/18: Naked Inspiration

Sometimes it just clicks. Or... flows, or perhaps it just shows up without verbal accompaniment. Of course by "verbal" I mean in the grammatical sense. You know, as a verb rather than as an adjective. I'm not making any reference to the spoken word here. No. ------ No, no ,no. No need to see it [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:24:56-06:00December 17th, 2018|The Life of Brian (In the Now), Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/17/18: Naked Inspiration

12/4/18: The Naked Game

Hi there. A while ago, my sweetheart and I decided to create a social game. And now we'd like to invite you all to play... The Naked Game. But first, we would like your input so please read on. ------ We came up with the idea while driving down to Rochester and after playing the [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:25:32-06:00December 4th, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/4/18: The Naked Game

12/3/18: Naked Agenda

The perfect enemy of the good A moment's expectation Usurping accommodation Thinking a thing must Behave, look and/or feel Just Exacts Visions Acts Fantastic ideals Reacts Reels I rail Thusly I fail My world wonders why And then By and by My worldliness wanders Ponders Agenda laid bare Naked Aware My love leaves no trace [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:26:07-06:00December 3rd, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/3/18: Naked Agenda

12/2/18: Joy to the Naked

We make our own holidays Our time changes Everything and nothing Gone are the fears of tradition The tearful rendition No more the phony fad tunes Artifice, nom de plume Give us not We take our own solo-days Our shine ranges Everywhere and nowhere Here is the joy and the sadness The odd random gladness [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:26:39-06:00December 2nd, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/2/18: Joy to the Naked

12/1/18: Dream a Naked Dream

I'm walking through the narrow streets of a very old city. There is dirt and dust everywhere. The buildings on either side of the street I'm on now, are all at least three stories high. One has tall white pillars and crumbly sides. The stairs are crumbly too. I am suddenly drawn inside. Someone in [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:27:11-06:00December 1st, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 12/1/18: Dream a Naked Dream

11/30/18: Naked Returns

“If you’re in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%.” ------ Warren Buffett ---------------------------------------------- I've been pretty bad at managinging my money most of my life, so I found it interesting this morning to discover that I share such feelings of gratitude with [...]

By |2018-12-30T23:27:45-06:00November 30th, 2018|Random Awesomeness, Where the Naked Things Are|Comments Off on 11/30/18: Naked Returns