B: Ok so we’re back with The Imp

I: You got that right

B: I did, so last time I caught you lying about making a face at me.
Is that part of being an imp? oh excuse me… THE Imp?

I: First of all, you didn’t catch me at anything other than being impishly clever.
The reason I said “Dang!” was intentional. I wanted you to think you had won this oh so useless little game of defining me that you were, and still are trying to play.

B: Really!

I: Yes and not playing it well at all

B: You sound defensive. Perhaps I’m playing it better than you are willing to…

I: Oh! You think I’m going to fall for that one now? Man, you are so predictable

B: Ok so let’s move on…
Mister Imp, we’ve established now that you’re a liar. So why would anyone…

I: Believe anything I say yada yada yada… no one should, but you know I think it’s far more interesting to keep talking about this failed attempt to “catch me” that you are now avoiding by pretending to need to… “move on.”

B: Well we have a limited time you see…

I: Now it’s you who’s lying Ha! You know damn well that if this interview was going the way you want we’d be here for hours, except not because I’m not dumb enough to let that happen.

B: (^_^)

I: (   )

B: (.. )( ..)

I: What, you think you’re going to beat me at this? Knock yourself out dude, but don’t expect it to last.

B: Oo(^o^)y-~

I: So… are we done?

B: No… Imp, please… continue

I: Ok… finally… sheesh!
So to answer the question you never would have got round to…
The best thing about my existence in this universe is my infinitely random complexity making the totality of my being completely incomprehensible.
I revel in being consistently and unwaveringly abstruse…
thus the futility of your opening to this interview.

B: And…

I: (    )

B: And, so…

I: And so you’ll have to have me back again if you want more of this. So… you WILL have me back on the show.

B: Umm… yes of course

