“Gray-Brown, White-Gray… Tawny-Slate
New Landscape… Not Dirty Yet.”

—— Text from my Sweetheart


Inspiration comes at random. From wherever I happen to be looking at the time, whatever I happen to be paying attention to or thinking about. Sometimes it just drops in my lap like a clump of snow or my sweetheart’s hand.

This time it appeared on my phone.

What I do with inspiration is entirely up to me. It does NOT have to have anything to do with the source of the inspiration, it need only… be.

Like the conversation we were having about things n stuff and then she asked a question that I interpreted as being something about something that has changed or some such thing and so I said something that ended with what ended up being the hook of my newest song… “Only Everything.”

Or my cartoon drawings about nakedness… becoming a piece about Julius the seventeen-year-old cat.


Now I write with my sweetheart’s son at the table nearby. He’s making his final decision about which car to purchace.

I’ve been taking him round to various dealerships. He has test driven seven cars in the last two days. It’s been an enlightening experience for him and an unexpectedly entertaining one for me. I found that I kinda like talking with car salesmen from this position.

Since I’m not the one in the market for a car, I can be as random as I like with them. As long as I do what I came to do (facilitate my companion’s ability to gather the information he needs to make an informed descion) I can pretty much say what I want and they kinda have to respond. I mean… it’s not like they’re going to walk away since they have such a HUGE interest in keeping the conversation going.

Most of the time I’ve been keeping on task of course. But this last one was really kinda fun.

Inspiring almost…